An international conference helps professionals, students and researchers to learn more and share information around a certain subject. It looks at the main considerations around international conference planning and the ways to boost international event attendance. International conference providing a rare chance to experience different cultures, new places and encouraging collaborations and knowledge exchange. Explore the latest advantages and a qualitative analysis of information and information seeking behavior models in any field of study is possible because of an international conference. It is a platform for collaboration, driving innovation and progress in numerous fields.

Radiation is the transmission of energy that released in the form of electromagnetic waves. Rodan gas, cosmic rays from outer space, medical x-rays are some common sources of radiation. After these some of the familiar sources of radiation are here include – heat or light from the sun, microwave of our kitchen, and the gamma rays from radioactive elements. Radiation is mainly divided into 3 categories such as- alpha radiation, beta radiation and neutron radiation. Alpha radiation consists of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle which identified as helium-4 nuclei. Beta radiation was identified as electrons and gamma rays as a form of electromagnetic radiation. International radiation protection association, the environmental protection agency, the nuclear regulatory commission, the department of energy are some associations of radiation protection. Natural background radiation comes from cosmic radiation, terrestrial radiation and internal radiation. There are some related topics to know like what is Z in radiation? What is Bq, V20 etc? how much radiation is in a CT scan? What is a normal radiation level? And all these big topics are very clear when we attend an international conference on radiation.