Exposure to new ideas and theories from the study of ancient thoughts can formed by an international academic conference on yoga. It is a field to gain knowledge, develop skills and increase networking worldwide. It is a common field where people come together from different backgrounds to learn from each other and sharing knowledge for resolve problems. In this field we get a chance to share your research findings and engage in insightful discussions with others on the latest happenings of a particular subject in your field of study.

Yoga is a spiritual discipline of healthy living which focuses on bringing harmony between body, breath and mind. Yoga means physical postures, meditation and breathing exercises to improve overall health- physically and mentally. It affects the muscles, skin and joints, develops strength and flexibility, calming mind, soothing nerves and take care of the whole body- bones, nerves, glands, internal organs, skin and the brain. It provides peace and harmony to human’s mind and soul.
Yoga helps to develop self-realization, to overcome all kinds of sufferings and pains, support to manage stress, healthy eating, weight loss and quality sleep. There are some kinds of yoga like- Karma Yoga- the path of action, Bhakti yoga- the path of devotion and Jnana yoga- the path of knowledge. On 11th December 2014, according to the universal appeal, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Yoga Day by resolution 69/131.To know more about yoga – its ancient wisdom and modern scientific understanding are more brief with an international Yoga Conference in Europe.