Find Conferences in Europe

About Us–Conference in Europe

Conferences and meetings create an environment that brings people together to educate, learn, share ideas and information. CIE i.e. Conference in Europe's responsibility is to identify your needs and to bring people together in one place to create an environment that promotes research and innovations in Europe. Conference in Europe is trusted by several highly successful conference organizers and planners, to help them spread the word about their upcoming events among their target audience in Europe. It is an online platform to list conferences, seminars, meetings, events, and workshops offering the relevant listing services. Use CIE to find upcoming academic conferences in Europe in 2025. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get all the updates. Promote your events and get started

What is Conference in Europe?

Conference in Europe enables users to receive free email notifications about Conferences, events, Seminars or Workshops of their chosen topics in locations of their select.

This unique website is designed by - Europe leading Conference, Event, Seminar, Webinar & Workshop listing provider. In this platform organizers can provide information about their conference/event to thousands of academicians, research scholars or respective industry leaders worldwide for no cost at all. Hence, they can create more awareness about their event to targeted users in a short notice.

How can I get Conference in Europe delivered to my email inbox?

To receive conference in Europe, 1 st of all you need to do "register with us".

  • Simply go to subscribe page and provide all the required details.
  • Choose a unique password for your account & type in the conference topics for which you would like receive notifications.
  • Select the topics (our unique platform will suggest you as type in); complete the security verification and hit the "submit" button. You're ready to receive email notifications.

Who is "Conference in Europe"?

Conference in Europe is one of the European tech startup that is on the way to become global leader in academic conference, event, seminar & workshop listing, leading the way for conference/event management sector. As of 01-01-2023, Conference in Europe boasts more than 1 lakh conference/event listings across 145 disciplines & 50 countries in Europe.

As of recent data, it is frequented by more than 50,000 users monthly and has about 36,000 registered users in ConferenceinEurope.


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